Interview #5: Andyx

We are proud to present Andyxx: a policeman who agreed to answer our questions. In accordance with his wishes, we will respect his anonymity and will refer to him only Andyxx.
- Hello Andyxx, introduce yourself quickly: age, school background, passions:
My name is Andyxx and I'm 26 years old! Regarding my job, I am a Gendarme at the PSIG Saber in Narbonne. About my school career, I have a professional title of automated line driver.
- How did you prepare to become a policeman?
I had no real preparation in the proper sense of the term. I just trained for a year beforehand.
- Which unit are you part of? What is your background in the police?
For the moment I am simply a policeman in a PSIG unit. Eventually, I want to join the GOS (Observation and Surveillance Group), or the GIGN.
- What did you find most difficult during the selection/recruitment process?
Nothing in particular honestly, apart from the oral tests maybe.
- In your work, what marked you?
Even if our job differs from that of the military, we are also confronted with "particular" situations. I would say that the times when we come across dead people remain striking.
- Do you have any regrets?
None. Despite the sacrifices that this can sometimes require in terms of availability, schedules, etc.; I have no regrets because this profession is above all a vocation for me.
- A significant operation/mission to share with us?
I don't want to dwell on this, but I was present during the attacks in Trèbes.
- What advice would you give to young people who want to put on the uniform?
Do not idealize our profession. You must ask yourself the right questions before committing yourself, regardless of your project (army, gendarmerie, police...) I would therefore advise you to clearly define your objective and prepare yourself to achieve it.
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