Interview #6: Tristan

We are proud to introduce you to Tristan: an active soldier who agreed to answer our questions.
- Hello Tristan, introduce yourself quickly: age, school background, passions:
My name is Tristan, and I'm 25 years old. Before joining the military, I obtained a Bac +2 in Marketing. I am passionate about photography, sport. I also admit to having a weakness for evenings with friends (laughs).
- Why did you become a soldier?
I saw this job as an opportunity to "restructure" myself. The Army gives a certain framework, and that's what I was looking for. And then, wearing a uniform makes you someone different, you are no longer a civilian.
- What is your background in the army?
I did the non-commissioned officer school (ENSOA) directly.
- How did you prepare to become a soldier?
In total, I followed a training program with a coach in the gym 3 months beforehand.
- Which regiment are you part of? Why did you choose this one?
Because of my specialty, and the needs of the regiment, I made the choice to join the 41 RT. It is a Transmission regiment based in Douai for those who do not know.
- What did you find most difficult during the selection/recruitment process?
Nothing in particular, apart from my ignorance of the different trades and specificities of each regiment of the Army. Honestly, the Army in general is a really big organization. We can't imagine the number of specificities and sub-businesses that exist.
- What impressed you the most? Do you have any regrets?
The richness of the Army and its great strength, I would say, is its ability to bring people together who sometimes have nothing to do with each other, and to make them work together. When I joined the regiment, I met comrades who became real friends.
The Army also allowed me to discover new countries, new traditions.
I have regrets yes... Unfortunately the Army "takes up space". After 5 years of relationship, my girlfriend and I broke up. I found that there was a world between training and practice.
- Your best memory as a soldier?
The story is nice (laughs): on my 21st birthday, I was at demonstration school, so we were in the field. I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday.
While we were walking at night, in the rain, at midnight the group took a break. My comrades made me stand on a table, without explaining to me. Then they started to applaud me and to sing me "Happy birthday".. It's still a good moment of camaraderie, I really appreciated.
- Have you participated in external operations?
Yes, currently I participated in 3 OPEX. Among the 3, Chammal impressed me the most.
- What advice would you give to a young person who wants to become a soldier?
In my opinion, the choice of specialty is fundamental. Obviously, you should not neglect your physical and mental preparation, regardless of the regiment targeted, otherwise you will pick up.
Ditto, for the moments a little less funny, try to put things into perspective otherwise it will quickly be hell for you.
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