Military Physical and Sports Training

How to Become a Soldier?
Like many, we have in mind the image of the soldier jogging around the barracks. Or of the regiment which undergoes the collective punishment of doing push-ups, under the orders of a captain who barks “upstairs…. downstairs….".
Only, this vision is truncated: the training techniques have developed, because the stakes and the operations have evolved.
Let's see how, as a beginner or more experienced, you can train and prepare to become a soldier.
Developing a taste for effort
The reputation of the French Army is to be rustic: we are able to adapt to the situation even when the conditions deteriorate. You must cultivate this quality.
Indeed, no matter at what stage of your career, you will have to show the same tenacity, the same endurance, and the same audacity. The missions, on the territory or during OPEX (external operation) are associated with strong constraints.
here the alpine hunters of the 27 BCA
Any good soldier does not mind effort, which is why I suggest an exercise to work on your mind: prepare a rather short sports session (rowing machine, running, etc.), and force yourself to do it two to three mornings a week on a regular schedule.
For example Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 6:00 a.m.; you will run for 40 minutes whatever the weather conditions. Rain, wind, cold, you won't be able to go back.
Train to be operational
By following workouts involving constraints, which take you out of your comfort zone; you will develop a warrior spirit. This is what you need to infuse into your preparation sessions. We have written different military training that deals with mental and physical preparation: Our ebooks
On the field, you will not wear a pair of light sneakers, but rangers. Your outfit will not be a set of shorts / t-shirt but your fatigues, as well as your plate carrier, your helmet and your weapon.
You will need to be able to be operational despite this weight load. Therefore favor the practice of “functional” sport .
In order to stick as closely as possible to reality, you will weight a backpack and carry out one of your sessions without separating yourself from it.
In this way you will become a soldier morally and physically capable of absorbing the harshness of combat.
In summary: “to be and to last” , make this phrase your mantra!
Good to know: the Army offers sports training sessions in this pdf for example .
To learn more and if you liked this article, we invite you to consult our complete training programs.
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