World's Toughest Military Workouts

What are the Toughest Military Trainings in the World?
Do you think military service is an ordeal? Can't stand physical exertion for more than 30 minutes? Do you see the military as good for nothing , lots of big muscles?
You will discover behind the scenes. Some are surely aware of particularly rigorous military selections... In this article we have gathered for you the ones that are the most terrible.
Sensitive souls abstain, you will dive into a parallel world in which men are pushed to their last limits . French, Americans, English, discover how soldiers aspiring to reach the elite put their lives in danger just to pretend to become a member of a special unit.
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Our pick of the toughest military workouts
1° Foreign Legion Commando Training.
To discover the official website of the Foreign Legion.
Mythical training, the equatorial forest course in Guyana is the specialty of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment . The preparation allows recruits from all over the world to then fight the illegal gold panning which is rampant in particular at the Brazilian border.
The course corresponds to a week in the middle of the Guyanese jungle in the marshes, under a blazing sun, crawling in the mud, overcoming obstacles... The tropical temperatures and the ambient humidity make each activity practically insurmountable : the obstacles full of mud, the trellis which weigh tons because waterlogged, the ground which seems to suck our feet, and the muscles paralyzed by the repeated efforts.
Real hell-on-earth conditions, which continue with races over entire 4-hour stretches.
To view images from this selection: click here
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2° Live ammunition training of the Russian army.

To discover the official site of the Russian Army .
Russians in general know how to talk about them. The Spetsnaz in particular are the subject of much debate. Their training techniques and even their way of operating are often the subject of contention.
But here it is the Russian army in question: the officers have set up a live ammunition training program: the soldiers are riddled with bullets (they wear a bulletproof vest) and must solve mental tests and then fight back as accurately as possible under these high stress conditions.
Another exercise asks them to work in a degraded situation since they have to shoot at targets while "civilians - passers-by" walk around in front of them. The goal here is of course to simulate an attack that would take place in a public space.
3° Extreme march of the British special forces
To consult the SAS official website.
The British SAS is known for the rigor of its training. New recruits notably go through the death march, an absolutely excruciating 5-month bootcamp. Two of their tests are recognized as being the toughest:
- The Fan Dance (Fan Dance) : this 24 km long forced march in “Brecon Beacons”. It is not on small roadside paths that the event takes place, but in a mountain range in Wales. Something to warm up your thighs. The test is obviously eliminatory and is held the first week of the selection period.
- The long tail (Long Drag) : it is the culminating test of the selection. Applicants must travel 64km to 'Brecon Beacons' again. The time barrier is less than 20 hours to complete the entire route. Only during this march, SAS aspirants must carry a 25 kg backpack, a rifle, their food, water etc. The navigation rules are strict: no known trails, only their map and compass.
However, the selection of the English SAS is often singled out as being too dangerous: to date there have been a dozen deaths during this ordeal. These two tests are only a step, given that the recruits will then receive training on evasion and infiltration techniques. Period during which the instructors will simulate a capture and subject the future soldiers to torture.
English airlock in external operation. To find out why an airlock beheaded a jihadist, click here
4° Hell Week of the American army.
To consult the official website of the Navy Seals.
The training week for recruits in this elite section of the American Navy is not called hell week for nothing: only one out of two recruits manages to complete it. Reputed to be colossi, capable of taking on very heavy loads during special operations , these elite soldiers go through extreme selection above all.
The soldiers are notably subjected to forced marches on vertical dunes for several hours while transporting tree trunks and having to regularly bathe in icy waters. And by sleeping 4 hours in all and for everything over the week. This is the price to pay to become a member of the very prestigious Navy Seal. Moreover, certain American recruits having overcome the Hell Week, say to have traversed 200 miles during this week. That is 322 km . A figure that seems completely surreal... But that should not be so far from reality all the same when you know that the mere fact of going to eat requires them to travel 10 km.
Unfortunately, several recruits have already lost their lives during these military selections: death from cold, drowning, the causes are multiple as the tests are harsh.
Do you want to discover the harsh reality of the prestigious SEAL Team 6? Read this article to understand why recruits endure such selection.
to know more about the selection of navy seals
Our advices
We are aware that these different selection stages can be fascinating. These men capable of surpassing their limits , of bringing their bodies into areas of extreme discomfort for such long periods of time.
This may seem insurmountable for some and for others it can make you want to. Belonging to a prestigious body , being part of a close-knit unit...
Despite everything, we must not forget that above all, these men are prepared for a specific objective . Their selections must not become something "folk", because it is far from being a game.
At the end of their respective internship, they will have to accomplish missions with a high degree of dangerousness , where their life will be at stake.
To learn more about these prestigious units, we invite you to consult their respective sites:
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