Interview #2: BEN

We are proud to introduce you to Ben: an active military man who agreed to answer our questions. In accordance with his wishes, we will respect his anonymity and will refer to him only as Ben.
- Hello Ben, introduce yourself quickly: age, school background, passions:
My name is Ben and I'm 21 years old. Before being in the military, I had a technological baccalaureate. Today I am active military and in my spare time I do sports, I like music and photography.
- Why did you become a soldier?
For me, it was a vocation. I've always wanted to do this.
- What is your background in the army?
I made the choice to become a live sergeant. Thanks to my results, I was able to join a parachute regiment.
- How did you prepare to become a soldier?
I followed my preparation for 6 months in intensive, followed by 1 month of conditioning. During this preparation, I trained both physically, but I also worked on my mind.
- Which regiment are you part of? Why did you choose this one?
I joined the 17th RGP. It was my goal from the beginning and I managed to achieve it. I chose the 17 because it is the only engineering regiment in Europe which is also a parachutist. This regiment also has particular modes of action that are unique in France.
- What did you find most difficult during the selection/recruitment process?
Switching to CNEC was quite a decisive step. (Editor's note: National Commando Training Center).
- What impressed you the most?
I found that there was a world between training and practice. It's really important to be ready, to have taken seriously what you were getting into.
Whatever the specialty, you have to be pro, and always have this approach of fighters above all. All this conditions decision-making, but also the organization.
- Your best memory as a soldier?
Without hesitation the delivery of my parachutist patent.
- Have you participated in external operations?
Yes, for the moment I have 2 OPEX to my credit.
- What advice would you give to a young person who wants to become a soldier?
I will tell him to think carefully: not only about the job he wants to do next, but also not to let CIRFA fool him. Inspirational videos, beautiful images, it should not influence his choice.
It is also important to recognize that the job can sometimes be very long and very painful. We even sometimes wonder what we are doing there. But no matter, everyone goes through it.
Wanting to become a soldier is good, but you have to keep in mind that we are soldiers. Real life and video games are two separate things.
Finally, I advise anyone who takes the job lightly not to join us. Same for the mythos who drool over the Special Forces and their equipment. Wear the uniform with humility and respect, that will be enough.
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