Can you wear a bulletproof vest in France?

Peut on porter un gilet pare balle en france ? - PhilTeam

If you own or regularly wear bulletproof vests, it is important to know the legality and travel restrictions with your equipment, especially in France. Although some airlines and countries have different policies, traveling with a body armor isn't as difficult or expensive as some might think as long as you anticipate it correctly.


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Can you wear a Bulletproof Vest in France?

The wearing of bulletproof vests in France is subject to strict regulations, intended to protect public safety. While their use is primarily reserved for law enforcement and certain professionals, such as bodyguards, security guards and journalists on dangerous assignments, there are exceptions for ordinary citizens under certain conditions.



Generally speaking, ordinary citizens cannot wear body armor without special permission. However, some people working in high-risk environments, such as cash couriers, may be allowed to wear body armor in France. Similarly, people threatened with death or violence may be authorized to wear a bulletproof vest after obtaining judicial authorization.

Can you wear a bulletproof vest in France?


French law and the wearing of bulletproof vests

It is also important to note that French law prohibits the possession and use of military and tactical body armor, even if sold legally on the civilian market. Only body armor designed for civilian use is permitted.

It is essential to follow the regulations in force for the wearing of bulletproof vests in France. Bulletproof vests must be certified according to the current French and European standards, such as the NIJ standard and the EN 1522 standard. This ensures that the bulletproof vests provide adequate protection in the event of a dangerous situation.

It is also important to consider the quality of the body armor. Poor quality body armor will not provide the necessary protection in a dangerous situation, which can lead to serious injury or even death. It is therefore important to choose a certified and high-quality bulletproof vest to guarantee safety in the event of a dangerous situation.

Can you wear a bulletproof vest in France?

Wearing a bulletproof vest in France

In France, the wearing of bulletproof vests is a controversial issue. While some consider that they can offer additional protection in a dangerous situation, others argue that they can lead to increased violence and greater use of firearms.

Despite this, it is important to recognize that wearing body armor can provide valuable protection in certain high-risk situations. Law enforcement, security professionals, and citizens at risk of death or violence can benefit from the protection provided by body armor when used appropriately and according to applicable regulations.

In conclusion, the wearing of bulletproof vests in France is subject to strict regulations intended to protect public safety. Only certain people can wear bulletproof vests, and only after obtaining special permission. It is important to choose a certified and high quality bulletproof vest to ensure protection in case of a dangerous situation. Current regulations for wearing body armor in France must be followed to ensure the safety of all citizens.


  • DONADEÏ on

    J’aimerai connaître la loi je suis une personnalité public connus et j’ai arrêter ma CARRIERE de sportif de haut niveau et aujourd’hui je suis éducateur spécialisé dans les banlieues et j’ai reçu des menaces de mort à plusieurs reprises de la part de jeunes que j’ai écarté de projet et je fait un métier à risque en dénonçant certaines choses au parquet de Bobigny et Créteil en tant qu’éducateur et ancienne personnalités public. Est-ce que je doit faire une démarche auprès de qui pour pouvoir porter le gilet par balle tous les jours pour me protéger. Cordialement David DONADEÏ

  • BELLAMY on

    Bonjour, j’aimerai connaitre les références législatives dont vous parlez dans votre article concernant la détention et le port de gilet pare balles. Merci

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