Unhappy in the army: why is it positive?

One of the definitions of dissatisfaction is "the tireless aspiration for betterment". That's what we're looking for. The most important thing you can bring to your military career is an ethic of integrity, professionalism, and excellence.
You must do what the institution asks of you, and you must do it well. Everything rests on this basis. But you can also bring your displeasure... Let's find out why!
Discontent, a driving force in the army
Discontent is the driving force behind the positive change you will introduce throughout your career.
When we do what the institution asks of us, we all look a lot alike; most modern military forces are based on producing soldiers skilled in certain particular skills.
However, our sources of discontent are deeply personal. They are the product of our individual temperaments, interests and unique life experiences. It is our dissatisfaction, and our thirst for change, that brings our individuality and creativity to our military career.
This ambitious individuality, multiplied throughout the army, is the galvanizing force that perpetually renews our armed forces.
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Positive discontent in the army: examples
Dissatisfaction with the trench warfare of the First World War led to changes and technical advances in mechanics.
Dissatisfaction with toxic leadership in the military drives countless NCOs and officers to lead better and advocate for innovations in education, training, and assessment.
Discontent helps push the bar higher for everyone.
Dissatisfaction with family pressure has fueled advocacy for education benefits for spouses, easier interstate licensing, and greater stability during military careers.
Most high-value innovations start with someone like you, starting with a problem and imagining ways to do better.
However, it is not automatic to exploit his dissatisfaction in a productive way. You must control your discontent, otherwise it will harm you. This means that you must learn to manage your own emotions and channel your discontent into ways of
positive changes.
The sources of discontent in the army
Our "relentless striving for improvement" can have several origins. Here are a few that come to mind:
- Disappointment: We have such high hopes and enthusiasm for our military careers, but the reality is often different. Each time we encounter a disappointment, we have the opportunity to make his military career more invigorating, more rewarding and more satisfying.
- Underperformance: Military forces train and equip themselves for one purpose: to perform at their best in wartime. We should absolutely be unhappy with our underperformance, because it's a sign that it's time to kick ass to do better.
- Inefficiencies: Nothing is more infuriating to ambitious, self-centered people than getting bogged down in inefficient and pointless actions. Accept them, see the positive and the opportunities to be seized, rather than falling into a negative spiral.
- Imbalance: The military organization always lags behind the rest of the world. It often becomes unbalanced, which creates dangerous gaps, whether it is a question of the evolution of technologies, new modes of management or the changing nature of the family and social life of the troops. Our dissatisfaction is an invitation to adapt our organization to the modern world. It is important to report this to your superiors.
- Abuse: Unfortunately, some leaders or organizations can inflict great emotional or even physical abuse on their members. Sometimes these abuses are deliberate, perpetrated by toxic leaders or violent people. Other times they are structural, like unconscious racism or sexism. Our discontent calls us to speak on behalf of the victims, to right the injustices and to put an end to the malevolence.
Although all of these problems tend to disappear, it is important to be aware of them. The objective of this article is not to point out malfunctions, but to make you want to improve things.