The 7 rules that a soldier must respect on social networks

Nowadays, social networks are part of everyday life in most developed countries.
As a soldier, your attitude on this kind of media must be irreproachable. Regardless of location or platform, your word represents your country!
In this article, we are going to present to you the 7 rules that a soldier must respect on social networks.
1st rule - You represent your country in all circumstances.
As a soldier, you represent an entire country. You represent its values and culture through your behavior, even on social media. The way you interact with other Internet users on social networks and your publications reflect your institution.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't be natural and authentic. The only way forward is to be a positive example that inspires others to follow your example.
2nd rule - Our posts never disappear.
We easily forget the publications dating from high school, where our face clearly shows a slightly abused alcohol consumption... But nothing is ever really deleted on the Internet. If this is your case, we advise you to delete these publications quickly from your profile.
Over the years, the jokes and posts that were funny at 15 are no longer funny at 25 or 30. So it's important to think about the future impact what you post can have when you do.
3rd rule - Take a step back.
The more divided our society is, the easier it is to find yourself embroiled in an argument with someone who pushes you over the edge. Don't. Arguing with a troll on social media is like wrestling a pig; you end up covered in mud and the pig likes it.
Step away from your keyboard and give yourself some time to think before reacting. Or just don't react.
4th rule - Don't accept just anyone.
Everyone works the same way: social networks were created to interact with others, so we can agree to chat with anyone. However, social media also have a dark side.
Just as children can be the victims of cyberbullying, the military can be the target of misinformation or dubious proposals, from spies or foreign governments.
It is therefore important to remain vigilant and to filter the people you accept and with whom you chat. See social networks as a starting drink at work: you don't have to be very close to your guests, but you should at least know who they are!
5th rule - Check before sharing.
One of the best ways to flout military responsibility is to share information without verifying its source first. Some information circulating on the web is erroneous, through repeated distortion or deliberate misinformation.
As a representative of your institution, you must refrain from sharing false (and sometimes ridiculous) information in favor of articles or statements that are reliable from sources and provide real
information to your audience.
6th rule - Never give in to your emotions.
Never, ever. Never post on social media when you're upset, tired, or under the influence of alcohol. In this kind of states, every human being loses his capacity for reason and is not able to understand if his words exceed the limits.
Prefer to put down your smartphone and move away from the computer.
7th rule - The rule of anonymity.
If you choose to remain anonymous on social networks (which is not mandatory), then it is important not to share elements that could allow you to be identified.
Finally, it should be noted that, even if you use the platforms anonymously, you must respect the previous rules and behave in line with your values and those of your uniform.