4 tips to help you better manage your stress

Stress management can be tricky, but there is one group you can and should learn from stress management more than any other: our soldiers. After all, these men have to face insane obstacles and huge challenges every day!
Let's explore 4 practical ways the military manages their stress and see how we can apply these lessons to civilian life:
4. Exercise - Stay fit!
To be a soldier, you have to be in good shape in your mind and in your body. It's a known scientific fact that exercise helps the body control its response to stress, by reducing cortisol levels in the brain and increasing dopamine production. Several bouts of moderate to intense exercise per week give you a rush of feel-good endorphins, while engaging in active meditation where you can process pent-up stress.
With this in mind, take a cue from the military and exercise regularly to control your stress levels and eliminate harmful stress hormones.
3. Find a task you can do quickly
To manage stress more effectively, try breaking down your goals the military way. Rather than stressing about long-term campaign goals or war results, military personnel focus on specific, manageable tasks that they can accomplish in a short time.
You should do the same in your daily life. Don't worry about how you're going to get a job, sell your house, and have a kid in the next three months. Find something you can accomplish quickly and consistently, and then watch your stress levels drop.
For example, making your bed every morning accomplishes a basic goal and gives you a small sense of accomplishment. It's a small victory, sure, but anything you can do to reduce your stress and improve your self-confidence will help keep you from getting overwhelmed.
2. Focus on what you can control
Likewise, try not to focus on things that are beyond your control. Soldiers must carry out their missions in hellish and chaotic environments, especially when deployed.
But rather than focusing on the chaos of their situation, Marines will often lock themselves in and worry only about the things they can control. For example, a serviceman in a hot spot awaiting an extraction will focus on protecting his comrades, not worrying about the condition of a helicopter en route to rescue them.
This lesson can easily be applied to civilian life. Imagine you are late for work. Instead of getting on your nerves by running all the red lights, focus on safe and efficient driving. You might just make up for lost time by preventing yourself from stressing over something you can't control and reducing the struggle.
1. Ask your peers, friends or family for help
Finally, each soldier knows that he can count on the support of his comrades. A strong support network is essential for managing stress and maintaining good mental health, especially in the long term.
Civilians should do the same, although they may have easier access to a support network than deployed military personnel . Turn to your friends and family for help and advice - they are the best resources you have to ease your own stress and get the most out of life.
By controlling their stress levels, service members can maintain composure, composure and composure in order to excel in their missions. While a little stress in life is necessary to motivate us to move forward, too much stress can impact our overall performance.
Apply these techniques the next time you feel on edge, overworked, or overwhelmed, and see how clear your mind can be with a little discipline and soldier-style mind control!