3 veterans to follow to stay motivated

Maintaining the same motivation every day, to stay in shape, to be prepared and to stay true to your convictions can sometimes be difficult. Sometimes all it takes is a few difficulties, several bad decisions that put you in an indelicate position... and you collapse.
For these reasons, the Phil Team has gathered for you 3 veterans who have served in different elite units, and who regularly deliver content on social networks to motivate their peers.
Whenever you feel down or need some advice, take a look at their social profile.
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Aton - Ex-member of the GIGN
A year ago, Philippe B. served the prestigious GIGN unit. Today he calls himself Aton. He became an actor, but also an influencer on social networks.
On Instagram in particular, they are already more than 65,000 to follow his posts and stories, where he gives his advice, whether to join an elite unit such as the GIGN, or to surpass himself on a daily basis.
For our part, we really enjoyed discovering him through his books. His latest book "Féral" is also a real success. For anyone who lacks motivation, or even an idea to train, go follow him on Instagram where he shares a lot of content that will help you for sure!
David Goggins - Ex-Navy Seals
With his 3+ Million followers on Instagram alone, this veteran is off the charts.
He is a true physical arts hero: an ultra-marathon runner, cyclist, triathlete and retired US Navy SEAL. He also conducted operations in Iraq and was the sole world record holder for the most pull-ups performed in 24 hours.
He now spends most of his time giving lectures for athletic teams, businessmen, etc. He shares with them his vision of determination and the different levers that have allowed him to accomplish feats.
His Twitter account is great to follow as it's full of helpful exercise tips, motivational videos, and links to some of the content he's posted over the past few years. Although his activities are not directly related to physical preparation, there is a lot to learn from his attitude/mindset.
Think of it this way: it's better for you to face challenges head on than to let yourself go or feel lost. With Goggins' book and lessons, it will be easier for you to meet the challenges the world may throw at you.
Tim Kennedy - Former American Ranger
Last on this list is Tim Kennedy, a retired MMA fighter who was pro from 2001 to 2016. Most impressively, he served in the US military while pursuing his professional fighting career. He completed Ranger School in 2007 and has been deployed to Iraq several times.
His Twitter and Instagram accounts are full of great tips, exercises and videos that will inspire you.
As a bonus, it also has content on hunting - this information could be very valuable in case you ever need to hunt yourself!
All told, each of these veterans has different life stories but all have a lot to learn for anyone willing to listen.
They are a great source of motivation and practical advice: a perfect combination for anyone who wants to prepare to join elite units.