Element Optics Titan 5-25x56 Riflescope

The full test by Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin
The Element Optics Titan 5-25x56 long-range optics went through a full test over several months in the hands of Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin, a famous marksman in the shooting world.

Who is Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin?
If you are passionate about long distance shooting, you may have seen him on his Youtube channel or on Facebook as Balistique05. But what you may not know is that Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin is a shooting master, a combat shooting instructor and that he participates in the training of snipers for certain special units (the precise information remains secret).
A soldier for 20 years and passionate about precision shooting, he began his career in heavy cavalry on the famous Leclerc tank, going through all the positions up to platoon leader.
He became known worldwide by breaking 2 shooting distance records, 3695 meters in 2015 and 4150 meters in 2016. As he himself admits, in addition to the record that all shooters have known, these shooting distances have not no tactical interest, the goal is to push to the extreme the possibilities of the weapon, ammunition and optics, in order to advance the engineering of the armament.
In 2020, Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin won the King of one miles championship, a world competition at 1609 meters!
Scope Specifications.
The glasses Element Optics Titan is built around an aeronautical quality aluminum tube 34mm in diameter, its reticle is placed in the first focal plane (magnifies at the same time as the zoom), it is offered with 4 reticles, 2 in mrad and 2 in moa. Its magnification in 5-25 allows easy shooting up to 1000/1200 meters, it should be noted that the manufacturer allows the installation of a zoom lever provided. It is also equipped with a zero stop on the elevation turret, easy to use and very reliable.
In its delivery box, in addition to the telescope and the zoom lever, the telescope is delivered with 2 types of windscreens, a sun visor and the battery for its illuminated reticle.
The benefits of the Element Titan 5-25x56
The bezel is sold for €799 where it is common to find optics over €2000.
5-25 magnification range is suitable for long distance shooting
Zeroing the weapon in aiming point / hit point is simple, just unscrew the cover of the turrets without tools, remove and replace the turrets at zero.
The zero stop is very easy to adjust, you have to unlock it with the 3 small screws located on the black ring inside the elevation turret, place this ring in abutment and close the screws. “They played a good shot, they made it simple” according to Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin.
The Titan is available in MRAD or MOA, each version having 2 different reticles. On the MRAD side, there is the APR-1C, clear reticle, in simple cross, or the APR-1D, rather typed “Christmas tree” which allows more counter-aiming. On the MOA side, we find the EHR-1C, simple model, or EHR-2D, the complex version. Tested with the APR-1D reticle, it is fine, well-researched and allows easy counter-aiming.
The optical quality is impressive, in this price range, the glasses are generally low in light and with a lot of chromatic aberration on the edges at high magnification, while the Element Titan has a nice field of view, a nice brightness, it's is surprising for a scope of this price.
The reliability of the adjustment, tested with tracking tools, is perfect up to 23 MRAD.
The perfectible points of the bezel
There is some slight image distortion on the sides, but nothing major.
The sound of clicks, Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin prefers silent turrets.
Beyond 23 MRAD of elevation, the adjustment becomes erratic, which will limit its use to distances of 1000/1200 meters.
Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin's Conclusion on the Element Titan 5-25x56 Riflescope
€799, lifetime warranty, good luminosity, good tracking up to 23 MRAD, what are people asking for?
1 comment
Je suis totalement d’accord avec ce test, à une exception prêt, j’ai utilisé la lunette sur l’ensemble de la plage de grossissement qu’elle propose, je l’ai utilisé sans problème, la lunette qu’il a testé avait peut être un défaut, je suis surpris par ce qu’il a trouvé.
Je l’utilise jusqu’à 1000m lorsque je le peux, généralement je suis sur un stand qui propose uniquement du 300m, je ne voulais donc pas mettre une somme qui me semblé démesurée alors qu’elle aurait été sous exploité 90% du temps, mais qui puisse aller jusqu’à 1000m tout de même.
La lunette est tout à fait excellente, le réticule est très fin, je suis de nouveau d’accord avec Benjamin, les clics sont un peu bizarre avec une impression de roulement à bille, je ne suis pas fan mais c’est très efficace, aucun risque de se tromper lors du réglage et de passer un clic par accident.
A ce prix, c’est une lunette qui propose des performances haut de gamme inégalées pour le moment, j’ai même eu l’occasion de la comparer à une lunette bien plus cher et d’une qualité bien inférieure sur tout les plans qui est la sightmark latitude, et à la vortex strike eagle 5-25×56, celle ci je ne l’ai pas du tout aimé, elle est vraiment pas mal, les clics sont plus classiques et sympas que la titan, mais le système de zero stop de la Vortex la rend pratiquement inexploitable car ça mange le reste des capacités de réglages, je ne comprend même pas qu’une marque tel que vortex propose un zéro stop aussi décevant, je pense que vortex reste une bonne marque mais se fait distancer par une marque tel que element ou encore athlon.
Voilà pour ce que j’avais à en dire, votre site est très bien et je l’ai trouvé en voulant montrer cette lunette à un collègue qui se prépare à l’acheter, je vais fouiller un peu et vous commander un livre sur l’airsoft pour mon fils pour son anniversaire, dommage qu’il n’y ai rien sur le tir à l’arme à feu, il manque un livre simple, accessible mais technique.