The weapons of "Squid Game" - The Netflix phenomenon

Les armes de "Squid Game" - Le phénomène Netflix - Phil Team

South Korea broke into the entertainment industry with award-winning movies like Parasite, and now Squid Game has become a global phenomenon.

In just one week, Squid Game has become one of Netflix's most-watched shows across multiple regions.

As Weapons and Gear Manager, I've collected Squid Game's weapons for us to ogle and enjoy.

The M1911A1 from The Front Man

The Front Man is an enigmatic character and cold-blooded killer in Squid Game.

His oddly geometric mask and all-black costume make him look like some sort of grim reaper. He is brutally effective in the series and wields an M1911A1.

The M1911A1 is a classic American combat pistol that has been in use around the world since 1911. Since this gun is in use around the world, it's not hard to believe that an M1911A1 might appear in Squid Game in South Korea.

It has proven itself as a combative sidearm and has been used in dozens of conflicts around the world. The M1911A1 served from 1911 to 1985 as the general purpose sidearm of the United States military forces.
It is a semi-automatic, single-action pistol that uses the classic 45 ACP cartridge. The M1911A1 model used by the Front Man is simple for the most part and lacks the many fancy attachments seen on 1911s today.

Honestly, I have no idea how he uses his sights because they're so small and he wears a mask. However he aims, he wields the weapon with brutal efficiency.
The M1911A1 is already an eye-catching firearm, and the fact that it's stainless steel makes it stand out against the all-black Front Man outfit.

The S&W Model 10 of Managers

Squid Game managers make sure games run smoothly. Or as good as bloodthirsty games of life and death can be. They manage soldiers and workers, and wear squares on their faces to distinguish themselves.
They are also armed with handguns. Their weapon of choice is the classic S&W Model 10.

The S&W Model 10 is the archetypal 38 Special revolver. The history of the S&W Model 10 is long and varied, dating back to 1899 with the weapon's initial design.
The S&W Model 10 was the first M&P revolver, followed by the Victory model, before eventually becoming the famous Model 10.

The Model 10 provides managers with a simple yet effective weapon to keep operations running smoothly. These double-action, six-shot revolvers feature a four-inch barrel and large wooden grips, making them tough for combat use. They're not fancy, but they work well.

The Model 19 Soldiers

The soldiers, aka the triangles, are armed with Model 19 revolvers. These Smith and Wesson revolvers are 357 magnums and use a modern DA/SA action. These large revolvers are perfect for the role of soldiers.

I like the Model 10, but I love the Model 19. The Model 19 is a full-size combat revolver chambered in the man-killing 357 Magnum.


Model 19 revolvers are fantastic guns and proven combat revolvers that were popular with police officers until the early 90s. These big six inch pistols are the very definition of a combat revolver.

That's why they make sense for soldiers in Squid Game. Executives must be armed like a lieutenant must be. They can afford the smaller and lighter Model 10. Model 19 is for combat.
It's also what the police officer, Hwang Jun-ho, wields when he infiltrates the Squid Game on his own.

Soldiers' MP5s

Model 19s are used as handguns by soldiers, but their main long guns are the classic MP5s. Soldiers are seen with MP5s equipped with two-point slings when walking among players.
Soldiers use MP5s during patrols and occasionally to execute players. The specific MP5 model in Squid Game is the MP5A3 with a retractable skeletal stock.


HK made the MP5 in the 1960s. It went on to become one of the most famous submachine guns ever created.
The MP5 has served in counter-terrorism, police and special operations units for decades. Its roller delay system made it possible to obtain an ultra-light and easy to control submachine gun.

For the soldiers, it makes sense. They don't need a rifle for the ranges they work on, and the lighter, shorter MP5 gets the job done. It's easy to wield, and in close combat it can be hard to beat.
The MP5 is a famous weapon for a reason, and it's a great choice for Squid Game soldiers.

Squid Game Weapons

Even if the series doesn't give pride of place to weapons, I can't help but appreciate the choice of weapons. These aren't the most modern or advanced firearms on the market, but they are all proven choices.
These functional firearms serve the staff of Squid Game well. There are a few other weapons, often hidden in the shadows, that are hard to identify. Did I forget any?
If so, let me know in the comments below.


  • Lola on

    Est ce que dans squid game.2 il tire vraiment sur les gens

  • Lucian Mämpel on

    Hallo ich wollte nur sagen dass es sich beim Modell 19 auf dem Bild auch um einen Aufseher handelt (Viereck). Könnte sein dass es wie oben genannt das S&W Modell 10 ist ich bin kein waffenexperte. Wollte nur klarmachen dass der Typ auf dem Bild Aufseher ist

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