The 5 Best Military Series

Les 5 Meilleures Séries Militaires - PhilTeam

At the moment, military series are a hit in the "television" sphere. So we thought it was time to share with you what are the best military series available on streaming platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime.

But before we dive into this list of the best current military series, we must warn you that these series are inspired by true history or invented from scratch. Of course, this is a subjective list, we would love to hear your suggestions in the comments.

Alright, now that that's announced, let's get to the list.


The 10 best war series in history

The Navy SEALs are one of the best known special operations forces in the world.

But unlike the series called Six, the SEAL Team is all about the lives of the members of Bravo Team, the most famous unit of the Navy SEALS. And in the foreground is Jason Hayes, the leader of this group.

With the third season already underway, the SEAL Team should definitely be on any military movie fan's radar. It's one of the best Navy SEALS TV series out there, with solid characters, gripping storylines, and great action sequences. So if you haven't already watched it, your military heart won't regret it.

The office of legends

The Legends Office (LBDL) or when the DGSE makes its cinema - AgoraVox the citizen media

The Legends Office is broadcast on Canal+. This series plunges us into the world of the DGSE, renowned for its often disturbing reality.

What we liked:

  • The landscape: all the experts agree that the series is very well constructed in terms of scenery. Normal since Eric Rochant was able to visit the offices of the DGSE. The decorators could not take photos but drew the scene to reproduce it. The representations of the agents are also very well done. "Jean-Pierre Darroussin really reminds me of the leaders I have known, still looking weighed down with files under his arm," said a former Liberation agent.
  • The training test seen in the series: if the training of future officers is not so violent as to make people believe in the Office of legends, the series has planned a real test: the one where Lout asks Marina Loiseau to recover information about men in a restaurant. "This exercise exists, and is even part of the fundamentals" specified the agents.


Homeland”, season 4: in the East, something new?

The first season follows Carrie Mathison, a CIA operations officer who, after leading an unauthorized operation in Iraq, is placed on probation and reassigned to the CIA's National Counterterrorism Center in Langley, Virginia.

While leading the operation in Iraq, Carrie was tipped off by an informant that an American POW had been turned over by Al-Qaida. It is then that Carrie learns that Nicholas Brody, a US Marine sergeant missing in action since 2003, was rescued during a Delta Force raid on a compound owned by terrorist Abu Nazir.

Realizing that it would be nearly impossible to convince her boss, David Estes, to put Brody under surveillance, Carrie goes to the only other person she can trust, Saul Berenson. The two must now work together to investigate Brody and prevent another terrorist attack on American soil.


Mindhunter”, Dwayne Johnson and a return to the past: a week in the playoffs

Two FBI agents - are working to develop an innovative field of investigation integrating psychology, anthropology and sociology as a method to reveal the motive. They recognize that classic crime solving - MMO - is no longer sufficient as crime becomes more complicated as motive shifts from need and greed to inexplicable and irrational reasons.

They believe that applying a deeper psychological assessment will raise new questions. Just asking why will lead to "Who". This series focuses on two men, two agents, developing a new criminal realm and does so through tales of visitation from the sociopathic mind.

Army Stories

Combat Forces: Best Ranger Competition - Season 1 | Army Stories

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Cheaper from Netflix (only 4.99€); if you are a fan of the military world you will not regret it. Click here to discover the series.

1 comment

  • Lopez on

    Moi je suivais la série de SEAL Team que je trouve super bien.. je ne manque un seul épisodes.. c’est bien dommage que il ne la remet pas … cette une série super géniale

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