The WOD of CrossFit Murph

The CrossFit Murph WOD is a series of concurrent exercises created in honor of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, a US Navy SEAL who was killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan.
Special ops operators are far beyond professional athletes. The SFOs are in extreme physical conditions. They are ready to react instantly, to defend our country. An SFO stands out for me. Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Navy Seal.
No, I never had the supreme honor of meeting this man, but I read and followed all the information I could find on him. "Lt Murphy" became a Navy Seal in July 2002.

After many if not many counterterrorism missions, Lt. Micheal P. Murphy was surrounded by Taliban soldiers, along with his other three Navy Seals.
"Murphy was killed on June 28, 2005 after he left cover and went to a clearing away from the mountains, exposing himself to a hail of gunfire in order to get a clear signal to contact the headquarters to relay the disastrous situation and request immediate support for his team.
He dropped the satellite phone after being repeatedly hit, but picked it up and ended the call. While being shot, he signed saying "Thank you", then continued to fight from his exposed position until he died of his wounds." Michael P. Murphy - Wikipedia

Lt. Murphy's WOD
Lt. Murphy left behind a legacy of honor, fitness and preparation that many strive to preserve.
Lt. Murphy called this workout Body Armour, but after his death the workout was renamed The Murph Challenge. In fact, it is a HIIT workout (High-Intensity Interval Training) consisting of five different exercises.
A 1.5 km run.
Then 100 pull-ups.
Then 200 push-ups.
Then 300 squats.
And ANOTHER 1.5 km run.
I'm not saying professional athletes couldn't do it, but Lt. Murphy did it for fun. The Murph Challenge remains the memory of this true warrior and athlete who fought and died for our freedom.
People often ask about the Murph Challenge and its benefits. You should know that this is a challenge, not an exercise you would use for practice.
It works the whole body but does not improve it in any way. The 100 pull-ups, push-ups, 1.5 runs, etc. are just a workout. The Murph Challenge is considered one of the toughest CrossFit workouts.
Memorial Day Murph Challenge
The Memorial Day Murph Challenge has become a once-in-a-lifetime experience for thousands of people paying tribute to Lt. Michael Murphy and his fellow SEALs who died during Operation Red Wings.
It also became an official annual LT fundraiser. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation, presented by Forged.