Navy SEAL military training

L’entraînement militaire des Navy SEALs - PhilTeam

Military training is different depending on the armies across the globe. Today, we focus on Navy SEAL military training. Navy SEALs are the special forces of the United States Navy.

Despite this membership, their training also takes place on dry land. Focus on the military training of one of the best-known armed forces in the
world through the eyes of many of their members, AJ James, Nathan Hatfield and other Navy SEALs.

Be able to endure military training

AJ James was a top wrestler all his college years. Wrestling helps a lot to endure military training. Not only physically, but also psychologically.

Indeed, the fight helps to endure the pain. Military training is often painful because the muscles are strained. Similarly, you have to hold out for several days despite the fatigue that accumulates, and use your remaining strength wisely, as in a wrestling match.

This sport also has the advantage of involving all the muscles of the body. Thus, a wrestler has a body that is physically complete.

To find our article on the best sports to become a soldier, click here.

Military training includes on land the same exercises as those of the Army, with courses in the forest, pull-ups, intensive muscle-strengthening sessions, parachute jumping and training on inflatable boats, which are difficult to maneuver.

The motivation must be very strong to become a member of the Navy SEAL. Thus, each member of the team always values ​​the dynamics of the group. This is what also pushes him to give 100% during military training.

SEALS Aquatic Military Training


The military training of the Navy SEALs is particular: it includes a part carried out in water. It sounds logical, but this type of training is not common. And not everyone could venture into the SEALs...

Indeed, one of the training courses of this body of the American army consists of being thrown into the water, hands and feet tied! A complicated, physical and dangerous workout for those who have trouble swimming and keeping air in apnea.

You must then retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool and bring it to the surface. Having the hands and the feet tied, it is thus necessary to manage to open the mouth under water to catch the object.

The military training of SEALS on land


To be a good soldier, you must not only learn to be effective in the water, with the learning of the different strokes, but also to know how to move underwater without arms or legs. In addition to all these skills, a serviceman in this army corps must also perform well out of the water.

Thus, their training includes weight training, running, carrying loads but also many stretching and flexibility exercises. Indeed, you have to be agile to be able to get out of perilous situations under water.

Members of the US Navy are finally training for combat on dry land. They use many different weapons, from assault rifles to pistols to snipers. Training in simulation of real combat is frequent to train the armed forces and to weld the bond which unites the teams.


In short, Navy SEALs are extremely complete soldiers: they can perform combat on land, disembark from the sea, are skilled under water and know how to parachute. The military training of these Special Forces is physically and mentally tough. Sports such as wrestling, swimming, or water polo can help prospective members endure these types of workouts.


  • Royer Christian on

    Très bel article sur cette merveilleuse force spéciale pour moi il n’y a pas meilleur au monde avec la Delta Force

  • Sabine on

    Je suis une fan des SEALs et ce qui est génial en plus de leur talent ,c’est l’entraide!Et comme souvent dans l’armée des frères qui se font confiance

  • Gnépa on

    Pour moi la Navy Seal est la force spéciale la plus puissante au monde.
    J’aime les États-Unis, et j’espère qu’un jour je rencontrerai un Seal en chaire et en os.

  • Nouh on


  • Teddy on

    Merci beaucoup pour cet article

    Bonne continuation

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